
Most people can relate to the experience of going on a scenic holiday and coming back with beautiful memories and awkward “selfies”. What if there was a better way? Especially on special trips, such as a destination proposal or a 10 anniversary college union? These were the types of questions that our client, a technology start-up, set out to answer and then build a solution to address a niche market need. 


Building on the hypothesis that a local photographer nearby could help a visiting traveler take home more than just a memory, we set out to understand the two sides of a consumer marketplace. Leveraging social media platforms and strategically designed landing pages, we built a pool of users representing both the photographer and the client to identify market opportunities that were ripe for a digital solution. 


Working in an Agile environment, with a research - design - development cycle, we worked iteratively: engaging users and gathering insights; translating them into prototypes and testing them; and building a feature list that would lead to, first a limited alpha release, then beta on the success of the alpha, and finally a Version 1.0 with an established user base and a revenue model. 

Value delivered

Transformation in the vacation photography segment that saw global adoption and earned media from top technology publications.

Research and user validated feature design and product backlog.

Award winning, adaptive product interface and UX engaging both sides of the marketplace personas.

Ready to create impact?

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Urooj Qureshi

Principal, Design Centered Co.

"My team and I look forward to having the opportunity to guide your organisation deliver value."

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+1 613-663-2930